Solide Einsamkeit - Same
Hier mal was von der Soliden Einsamkeit
Ein gewisser Herr Willi Puhvogel aus Konstanz hat mir das Tape geschickt
A Seite
03.Mir Zwoa
04.Totes Fleisch
B Seite
05.Der erste Schnee
07.Willnichtleben Willnichtsterben
09.Es ist verboten
This zip-file doesn't work after downloading.
AntwortenLöschenPlease try to upload it again. Check it again,
because it doesn't play after downloading!
This is a rar-file. I have this file tested and the file is OK
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your response!
LöschenBy the way, I have downloaded it again and it doesn't work again. Although all the other files have play after downloading very well. I use the NERO-player for opening of all the rar-files.
Please try to download it for yourself and test it again via your computer.
And also I would like to offer 150euro for this original tape, if it's possible and 80euro for the original Gnu Familie tape, if it's also possible.
AntwortenLöschenIf you are ready to think over my offer, let me know please. May be do you have your offer for me in this case? And in this case I can give you my email adress here.
Hat hier noch jemand Pobleme mit der RAR Datei. Ich habe es noch mal ausprobiert alles bestens.
AntwortenLöschenYes, you are right, it plays, but only through the Windows Media player, but not through the NERO player! This RAR-file absolutely doesn't play through the NERO Media player!!! All other your files have play through the NERO player perfectly!!! I use more the NERO player, because this player is better than the Windows player, the NERO sound is better!
LöschenWhy is impossible to download the GNU Familie file here, and also the BGS tape??? No downloading anymore!