Samstag, 2. Februar 2019

EB Metronom 43/93 (Köln)

EB Metronom 43/93 (Köln)

Das EB Metronom
u.a. dabei
Bleibeil/Storemage, Lee Scratch Perry/Pachinko Fake,
Spear Of Destiny/Silly Encores, The God Machine,
Contagious/Hoff, Aspelmeier/Adorable, Die Allwissende Billardkugel,
Thelonious Monster, Indigo Girls, Superchunk/His Name Is Alive, Zuzu 's Petals,
In Absentia/Gruntrock, Bevis Frond, Swamp Zombies/The Merry Thoughts,
Panhandle Alks, Plan B, New Model Army, The Raymen,
Escape With Romeo/And One, Fury In The Slaughterhouse,
Test Dept., Henry Rollins, Abwärts, The Levellers, Therapy, Calva Y Nada, Jack Bruce,
Rage Against The Machine, Les Berrtas, Porno For Pyros, Reggae, Afrika,
Termine, Maxis + Singles, Just For The Record, World Music,
On The Shores Of Darkness, Industrial Environment, Welcome To The Future,
Label stellen sich vor: Spacemate, Cassetten, Cassettenszene,
Display Ads, Cassettenlabel: EB U, Comix, Non-Kiosk, Videos, Bücher,

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