Montag, 4. Februar 2019

EB Metronom 44/93 (Köln)

EB Metronom 44/93 (Köln)

Wenigstens noch ein zweites.
u.a. dabei
POP-A-TAC/Swimming The Nile, Sally Davis Junior/Wiglaf Droste, Sielwolf/Moon,
pRopHet o' HapHaZaRd, Heroes Dei Silencio/Cement,
Elektric Music/New Bomb Turks, Mutter, Chris Cacavas & Junkyard Love,
The Hooters/Gumball, The Cruisersf/Trauma, The Marionettes/=Y=,
Virginia Mukwesha/The Illegal Artists, Tom Gerhard, The Gun Club, Mono Men, Aztec Camera, The Fall,
Bad Religion/Calvin Russel, The Cranes/Upset Noise, The Moon/Ned 's Atomic Dustbin,
Caspar Brötzmann, American Music Club, Red House Painters, Band Of Susans,
Suede, Hammerbox, Hillbilly Headhunters/Down By Law, Clock DVA, Crazy Alice,
The Walkabouts
Billy Moffet's Playboy Club, Blind Melon, Die Fremden/Defunkt,

Anne Clark, Mercury Rev., Lust-0-Rama/Lunachicks, Scottish Sex Pistols, Kalashnikow/Swim Two Birds,
Szene Portugal Teil 7, Reggae,
Reggae, Singles und Maxis, Just For The Record,
On The Shores of Darkness, Welcome To The Future, Weltmusik/London Underground,
Termine, Cassettenlabel: Irre Tapes, Cassetten,
Non-Kiosk/ Video, Bücher, Display Ads, Comix, Back-Issues,

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